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New Hire Webhooks

Paylocity Webhooks support New Hires.

  • Hire a new employee in HR & Payroll using one of the following processes:
    • Log into HR & Payroll and manually hire an employee.
    • Use Paylocity Onboarding to send Onboarding employees to Payroll.
    • Hire an employee via Web Link imports.
    • Use Paylocity Web Services API with a new hire request.
  • Web Link automatically detects the employment status change.
  • Webhook sent to the user-provided HTTPS URL.
  • The user can consume the information in any way they see fit.



  • Create tickets for internal systems.
  • Automate creating of Active Directory.
  • Automate creating of employee in other systems.

Since the Webhooks do not contain all data elements, after receiving a Webhook notification, Paylocity recommends programming the created application to make a call to the API to receive all relevant data for the destination system rather than relying only on the data in a Webhook notification to make each necessary update.

The message header includes the following:

content-length<sum of characters/rows on the json body>
host<specific to connection>
companyIdstringThe employee's assigned company id."companyId": "C01",
companyNamestringThe employee's assigned company name."companyName": "Garner Group",
employeeAddressLine1stringThe employee's address 1 line."employeeAddressLine1": "1060 W Addison St",
employeeAddressLine2stringThe employee's address 2 line."employeeAddressLine2": "",
employeeBadgeClockNumberstringThe employee's badge or clock number."employeeBadgeClockNumber": "4321"
employeeCitystringThe employee's city."employeeCity": "Chicago",
employeeCostCenter1stringThe employee's first assigned cost center formatted as (Code - Description)."employeeCostCenter1": "11 - Software Development",
employeeCostCenter2stringThe employee's second assigned cost center formatted as (Code - Description)."employeeCostCenter2": "22 - Director 2",
employeeCostCenter3stringThe employee's third assigned cost center formatted as (Code - Description)."employeeCostCenter3": "33 - Team 3",
employeeEEOClassstringThe employee's EEO class."employeeEEOClass": "Software Developer II",
employeeFirstNamestringThe employee’s First Name."employeeFirstName": "Jane",
employeeGenderstringThe employee's gender (Male, Female)."employeeGender": "Female",
employeeHireDatedate-timeThe employee's hire date formatted as YYYY-MM-DD."employeeHireDate": "2015-10-14T00:00:00Z",
employeeIdstringThe employee's unique identifier."employeeId": "12345",
employeeJobTitlestringThe employee's job title."employeeJobTitle": "Software Developer",
employeeLastNamestringThe employee’s Last Name."employeeLastName": "Doe",
employeeMaritalStatusstringThe employee's marital status (S-Single, M-Married)."employeeMaritalStatus": "Single",
employeeMiddleInitialstringThe employee’s Middle Initial."employeeMiddleInitial": "R",
employeePayFrequencystringThe employee's pay frequency (A-Annual, B-Bi Weekly, D-Daily, M-Monthly, Q-Quarterly, S-Semi Monthly, W-Weekly)."employeePayFrequency": "B",
employeePayTypestringThe employee's pay type (Hourly or Salary)"employeePayType": "Salary",
employeePositionstringThe employee's position."employeePosition": "?",
employeeStatestringThe employee's two digit state code."employeeState": "IL",
employeeSupervisorstringThe supervisor's name."employeeSupervisor": "",
employeeSupervisorIdstringThe employee Id of the supervisor."employeeSupervisorId": "15",
employeeTypestringThe employee's type."employeeType": "Regular Full Time",
employeeWorkEMailAddressstringThe employee's Work Email address."employeeWorkEMailAddress": "[email protected]",
employeeWorkPhonestringThe employee’s work phone number."employeeWorkPhone": "(800) 555-1212",
employeeZipstringThe employee's zip code."employeeZip": "60613",
employeeTaxFormstringThe employee's tax form."employeeTaxForm": "W2"


Additional Information

Paylocity reserves the right to impose rate limits on the number of calls made to Paylocity APIs. If rate limits are present, a 429 response code, Too Many Requests, returns from the API.

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