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Pay Setup Overview

Employee Pay Setup

Pay Setup API

The Paylocity Pay Setup API is an API designed to facilitate the management of customers' recurring deduction and earning codes on the employee level. Users can obtain detailed information about deductions and earnings on an employee's record through various endpoints. The API further empowers users to insert and update recurring deductions and earnings directly on an employee's record.

Pay Setup Use Cases

  • A Paylocity customer can use the Pay Setup APIs to manage recurring deductions and earnings for their employees.
  • A Retirement partner can use the Pay Setup APIs to manage employee's deferrals, 401K loans and to insert/update related deductions.
  • A Benefits Administration partner can use the Pay Setup APIs to manage employee's recurring benefit deductions.

Employee Deductions

The Employee Deductions API is a comprehensive tool designed to streamline the management of recurring payroll deductions at the employee level. Users can perform various operations through this API, such as creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting these recurring deductions in certain situations. A recurring deduction is an amount withheld from an employee's paycheck each payroll cycle. This API only caters to these recurring deductions, thus simplifying the often complex task of payroll management. The endpoints provided by the API facilitate seamless integration with your existing systems, enabling efficient and accurate handling of employee deductions.

Employee Earnings

The Employee Earnings API is a powerful tool designed to manage the earnings of employees efficiently. This API allows you to access, update, create, and delete earnings at the employee level under certain conditions. However, it's crucial to note that these endpoints only accommodate recurring earnings. Recurring earnings refer to the consistent payment an employee receives every payroll cycle. This feature ensures a streamlined process of managing your employees' earnings, providing more accuracy and less room for errors. This API is the perfect solution for businesses seeking to automate and simplify their payroll processes.

Pay Setup on Employee

The screenshot shows the view of Pay Setup on an employee record. Recurring deductions and earnings are displayed.

The screenshot shows the create deduction screen.

The screenshot shows the create earnings screen.

Prerequisites for Pay Setup API to function

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