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Integration Requirements

Integration evaluation & certification for Go-Live


This document serves as a guide to understanding and tracking your progress at a high level through the steps and requirements to implement and maintain your integration in accordance with our API Terms of Use and Data Privacy policies.

Paylocity reserves the right to introduce additional conversations and requirements, if necessary, based on your service and functions.

Roles and responsibilities

Use this section as a reference for high-level concepts and considerations to build a reference document for your integration and/or support articles. This confirms the roles and responsibilities relationship between all parties and outlines the various project stages, including Discovery, Implementation, Testing, and Move to Production (launch). Different parties may be involved at each stage, including the customer integration development team, any involved technology partner teams, third-party consultants/contractors hired by the customer, and Paylocity.

Organizational accountability:


Customer-specific vs. Technology Partner Integrations

All integrations are classified as a customer-specific integration unless the integration-owning organization has undergone review and been approved as a Paylocity technology partner. For more details on becoming a technology partner, please review our Technology Partner Requirements.

  • Customer-specific integrations are built for a single Paylocity customer (one company or company set) and will not be advertised on our Integrations Marketplace. The customer is the integration owner and responsible for all maintenance and support activities.
  • Technology partner integrations are advertised on our Integrations Marketplace are are available for any Paylocity customer to subscribe to, assuming they meet requirements specified by the technology partner. The technology partner is the integration owner and responsible for all maintenance and support activities.
  • Customers owning the integration and participating in testing should review their Paylocity Master Agreement for full details on responsibilities and liabilities. For customer-specific integrations, the customer is accountable for any actions taken by third parties (consultants, contractors, or other outside development/implementation teams) authorized with consent by the company-admin to work with Paylocity on an integration.
  • Paylocity's role shall be limited to provisioning API and webhook accesses and facilitating the integration implementation process by providing the following:
    • Guide and Technical Documentation: We offer detailed documentation, including API specifications, code samples, and integration tutorials. These resources are designed to help developers of all levels understand our APIs and get started with integration implementation.
    • Testing and Sandbox: Access to testing environments with a wide range of sample data that will help simplify the integration process and ensure compatibility with our platform.
    • Developer Support: Our experienced team is here to address your technical questions including:
      • Clarify API Data-Elements and how they relate to the Paylocity Module UX/UIs
      • Clarify Enumerated Error Responses and Required Field Responses - We will provide a best practice on how to handle an error or what likely triggered it.
      • Testing & Troubleshooting Support - Assess test scenarios and provide guidance on what happened vs. expectations
      • Scoping & Capabilities Confirmations

Building a new integration


  • You should create a document that formalizes the integration business case. During subsequent discovery or review sessions, Paylocity may use the document to make recommendations on additional endpoints, data scenarios, or upcoming product initiatives that the integration project may need to consider.
  • A Paylocity customer company-admin must submit a project request form via their Paylocity account executive. The request should include the integration business case, the primary business and technical contacts for the integration project, and written consent that they are willing to participate in subsequent testing and interview phases of the integration onboarding process.


During Implementation, Paylocity customers will collaborate with their involved consultant or technology teams to identify any data-mapping considerations or investigation action items. The primary technical contact will receive API access credentials from Paylocity to use for integration testing.

  • Coordinate with Paylocity on which APIs the integration will need to access
  • Verify API credentials are authorized to access the requested endpoints & test token generation process; see Authentication
  • Configure webhooks for integration as needed


All integrations must go through a testing phase with at least one (1) Paylocity customer who is willing to sign off on the integration API access levels to company data required to drive the service. This customer is expected to provide appropriate guidance and sign-off on any API access request changes during the testing and launch phases. Their feedback will be used as a measure by our analysts of the integration feasibility. As the integration owner, you are responsible for guiding the test participants through any action items, mapping phases, and other requirements to ensure the proper functioning of your service.

  • Define test cases & scenarios
  • Work with company admins on any required configurations / system changes
  • Perform testing, identify issues, troubleshoot, and resolve


Testing / Data Quality Concerns

Paylocity does not offer testing support via our APIs. If there are concerns with the data from the HR & Payroll system, the integration development team and customer company-admin are responsible for handling any necessary data checks or edits. Please direct any related questions to your service account manager or implementation consultant.

Move to production (launch)

Once the integration has passed testing, it is ready to go live in production, either for an early adoption phase or for general availability.

  • Make sure your documentation is up-to-date on who to contact for alerts related to outages or identified issues impacting your integration
  • If you are interested in becoming a Paylocity technology partner and advertising your integration in the Paylocity Marketplace, review the Technology Partner Requirements


Ongoing support of an integration

The integration owning organization is responsible for ongoing maintenance of the integration and any necessary early adoption or launch testing. Exception handling and documentation will be managed by the support team of the integration owning organization to address most of the low-level issues identified during testing and development.

We will offer β€œSecond Level” support to your integration and support team. If assistance is needed for maintenance or general concerns, your team will screen the issue and work with our team directly, instead of sending an end-user reporter of the integration through our support channels.

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