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Employee Status


An important aspect of designing a Marketplace Integration with Paylocity is the ability to dynamically handle our client’s standard and custom data. A major consideration for many integrations is the tracking of employee status changes. This often drives provisioning and deprovisioning behavior in the downstream applications, such as when an employee goes from Active to Terminated within Paylocity it may deactivate the user-account in the downstream application.

An integration must be able to properly reference the employee status object to synchronize the employee statuses between applications. During the launch review process, we will seek confirmation on how employee status changes impact the workflow and user-experience of your integration.

Understanding Employee Status Changes

A Paylocity database has the following standard Employee Status Codes and Types:

Status CodeStatus DescriptionStatus Type
LLeave of AbsenceLeave

XT indicates the Status Type as Terminated; however, this termination represents employee movement between company IDs within a company set.

Technology partner integrations will need to consider the chronology of the effective date for a status on employee records, especially when multiple/duplicate records for the same employee exist. You will need to consider the Status and StatusType and how that impacts downstream services within your application.

Custom status codes

In addition to the above out-of-the-box employee status codes and types, a client-admin can create custom employee status codes to utilize as they see fit, commonly to delineate records for reporting. During your Sales and Implementation process your team should verify how the client uses their status-codes and if it’s outside the norm. When a client has custom employee status codes it indicates the need for a mapping conversation to ensure Filter/Sort Logic is being considered.

Test-case scenarios

Current StatusNew StatusScenario
A - ActiveT – TerminatedThe employee is being terminated from the Database.
A - ActiveL – Leave of AbsenceThe employee is being put on Leave of Absence (LOA), common reasons can include Bereavement, Jury Duty, Medical Leave, Military Leave, Family Leave, Eligible for FMLA, Birth & Childcare, etc
A - ActiveXT – Terminated/TransferredThe employee is being terminated from Company ID 123 and is being hired into Company ID 456. Their EEID may or may not be preserved within the new database.
T – TerminatedA – ActiveThe employee is being rehired within the same Company ID.
T – TerminatedL - LeaveFringe-case that usually indicates admin-error; or a retro-active correction.
T – TerminatedXT – Terminated/TransferredFringe-case that usually indicates admin-error; or a retro-active correction.
L - LeaveA – ActiveThe employee is returning from Leave and is being made Active again.
L - LeaveT – TerminatedThe employee is being terminated during or after a period of being on Leave of Absence / FMLA.
L - LeaveXT – Terminated/TransferredFringe-case The employee is being transferred during or after a period of being on Leave of Absence / FMLA. They are being rehired into a different Company ID.
XT – Terminated/TransferredA – ActiveThe employee is being rehired in the companyID they were originally transferred from. You would expect the existing record in the other Company ID to go from A->XT.

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