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Termination Webhooks

Triggers for Termination Webhooks Notification

Terminate an employee using one of the following processes:

  • Log into HR & Payroll and terminate the employee.
  • Terminate an employee via Web Link imports.
  • Use Paylocity Web Services API with an update employee request.

Common use cases for these Webhooks

  1. Creating action queues for internal systems
  2. Automate disabling of active directory users
  3. Automate disabling user accounts in other systems


Implementation Recommendation

Don't rely on the Webhooks notification to provide all updated information fields, instead make a call to the relevant APIs to get the latest details; in some cases, especially related to employee information, a single user triggered change may result in additional automated system changes to that data object. Calls can be made using the company and ID values provided from the notification.

Message Syntax

The message header includes the following:

content-length<sum of characters/rows on the json body>
host<specific to connection>
companyIdstringThe employee's assigned company id."companyId": "C01",
employeeCostCenter1stringThe employee's first assigned cost center formatted as (Code - Description)."employeeCostCenter1": "11 - Software Development",
employeeCostCenter2stringThe employee's second assigned cost center formatted as (Code - Description)."employeeCostCenter2": "22 - Director 2",
employeeCostCenter3stringThe employee's third assigned cost center formatted as (Code - Description)."employeeCostCenter3": "33 - Team 3",
employeeFirstNamestringThe employee’s First Name."employeeFirstName": "Jane",
employeeIdstringThe employee's unique identifier."employeeId": "12345",
employeeLastNamestringThe employee’s Last Name."employeeLastName": "Doe",
employeeMiddleInitialstringThe employee’s Middle Initial."employeeMiddleInitial": "R",
employeeWorkEMailAddressstringThe employee's Work Email address."employeeWorkEMailAddress": "[email protected]",
employeeTerminationDatedate-timeThe date of the employee's termination event formatted as YYYY-MM-DD."employeeTerminationDate": "2015-09-30T00:00:00Z",

Code Example

  "companyId": "C01",
  "employeeCostCenter1": "11 - Software Development",
  "employeeCostCenter2": "22 - Director 2",
  "employeeCostCenter3": "33 - Team 3",
  "employeeFirstName": "Jane",
  "employeeId": "12345",
  "employeeLastName": "Doe",
  "employeeMiddleInitial": "R",
  "employeeWorkEMailAddress": "[email protected]",
  "employeeTerminationDate": "2015-09-30T00:00:00Z"


Additional Information

Paylocity reserves the right to impose rate limits on the number of calls made to Paylocity APIs. If rate limits are present, a 429 response code, Too Many Requests, returns from the API.

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